CBTTAPE.ORG assumed responsibility for the SHARE PL/I Project Library in 1999, due to the closing of the SHARE Program Library Agency (SPLA),

This is an index of available programs. To access a program go to CBTTAPE.ORG. Choose "Overflow" from the "Downloads" menu, and then select the files by number as indicated.

The files are in zipped TSO-Transmit format. To unpack the files after download, unzip them using a suitable unzip program, then use the TSO RECEIVE command to extract the contents, or download XMIT Manager from the "Downloads" menu to extract on windows systems.

Package name or contents File number Description
SHARE PL/I Tape documentation 260 
ABE (A Better Editor) 261 Load Module Library
 262 AID Library - Needed for ABE Online Help
 263 Documentation
 264 Source Code
 265 Subroutine Documentation
 266 Subroutine "INCLUDE" Load Library
 267 Linkage Editor Control Statements
 268 Fortran Subroutine Source Code
 269 Fortran Subroutine Object Modules
QUANDRY System  Dept of Education File Lookup
  271 Documentation
 272 Assembler Source
 273 CLISTs
 274 Jobstreams
 275 Listings
 276 PL/I Source
 277 Sample Data
Teledyne Script System 278 
 280 Documentation
PL/I Execution Analyzer (PLEA) 281 
PL/I SORT Interface 282 
Load Lib Analysis Pgms 283 Load Library Analysis
Statistical Subroutines 284 Statistical Analysis and Curve Fitting Programs
Mike Robinson Programs 285 
Mike Robinson Programs 286 
PLEA for VM 287 
PL/I 3270 Interface 288 
PL/I IMS Interface 289 
Display Dataset as Dump 290 Display a Dataset on 3270 in Dump Format
PL/I 3270 Interface 291 
Generate Chart of Subroutine calls 292 
PL/I CMS Enhancer 293 
Complex PDS search program 294 Program to do complex source includes in another program
REXX Functions in PL/I 295 

CBTTAPE.ORG has other PL/I-related programs. Choose "CBT" from the "Downloads" menu, and then select the files by number as indicated.

The files are in zipped TSO-Transmit format. To unpack the files after download, unzip them using a suitable unzip program, then use the TSO RECEIVE command to extract the contents, or download XMIT Manager from the "Downloads" menu to extract on windows systems.

Package name or contents File number Description
DELINKI 090 PL/I program to de-link load modules.
PL/I(F) Procs 091 JCL Procs for the PL/I(F) compiler
PL/I(F) Compiler 092 IBM PL/I(F) compiler runnable on MVS/ESA and OS/390

Last modified 6 Sep, 2009